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GOOSECHASE - Digital Scavenger Hunt
Please join us on Goosechase our digital scavenger hunt to win prizes! it will open Feb. 12th
Here is how to win and have fun:
1) Download Goosechase App on your apps store or google play
2) Find the mission ESTCA 2025 and Join the experience
3) Use password Estca and you are in
4) Start missions!
Thursday and Friday Morning Selections (0730am - 11:00 am)
Muffins | V $4
Croissant | V $5
Cinnamon brioche bun | V $4
Double baked almond croissant + contains nuts| V $6 
Slice of banana bread | V $4.00
Fruit to go cups | VN + GF $4.00
Thursday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - Ukrainian bowl | 3 pcs cabbage rolls | 5 pcs perogies | 3 oz kielbasa | sour cream | green onions|  $15
Friday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - BBQ beef pieces | potato tots | seasonal vegetables | red wine sauce | GF $15
Thursday and Friday Beverage Selection:
Bottled water $4.25
Soft drinks $4.50
Canned juices $3.50
Coffee or tea (12oz) $3.00

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Thursday, February 13

9:00am MST

9:30am MST

10:00am MST

10:30am MST

Journaling Adventures: Transforming your Classroom with Nature Salon 01Samantha Ur Making new.LearnAlberta.ca work for you - Alberta Education Salon 02 Science on a Budget: Bringing the New K-6 Science Curriculum to life Indoors and Outdoors! Salon 11Inside Education Using Picture Books to Launch Big Beautiful Math Problems in an Elementary Thinking Classroom Salon 04Alicia Burdess Counting Time Salon 08Dave Matson Empower with Empathy Salon 05Meghan Dumanski Equitable Climate Justice in the Classroom Salon 06Alberta Council for Environmental Education Hands-on Minds On - The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education Salon 15/16Kiri Stolz HPEC - Elevate your PE Class Riverview RoomBrent Moldrup • Eve Grimm Multi-Faith Space Salon F Personal Retiree Plan Education Session Salon 17/18Candice Hartwell Tree Teachings: Combining Indigenous Earth Science & Western Science Salon 03Valerie Miller Viral Literacy: Teaching Reading Skills Through Wordle and other Games Salon 09Kristy Bruce Escape Boredom: Engaging students through the use of Escape Rooms Salon 10Daniela Carbajal Supporting Numeracy Development in Secondary Mathematics Salon 12Richelle Marynowski Exhibits Hall C Creating a Path to Teacher Flourishing: Addressing Attrition and Absenteeism Salon 19/20Melissa Damur • Karen Belter Leading for Equity Unpacking Leadership Models, Gendered Expectations, and Bias in Alberta Schools Salon 13/14Lisa Everitt OFFSITE: Edmonton Public Library Cooking Session 1 (Ticket Purchase Required) Off site

11:45am MST

12:30pm MST

1:00pm MST

1:30pm MST

2:15pm MST

ESTCA 2025
From CA$0.00
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