About me
I’m an experienced outreach educator with a passion for helping students discover their strengths and build confidence in their learning journey. Focusing on creative, student-centred approaches, I specialize in integrating technology into the classroom to adapt assignments and empower learners who thrive outside traditional educational models.
Beyond teaching, I’m also a professional pet photographer with a deep love for capturing pets' unique personalities through my lens. My work combines creativity and empathy to create images that resonate with pet owners, celebrating the bond between them and their furry companions.
In education and photography, I strive to connect with people and create meaningful experiences that inspire confidence, growth, and joy.
Here is a link to my presentation. - https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWfFL-8X8/ZhPZ0F1dqXA_IpKt-O7u_w/edit?utm_content=DAGWfFL-8X8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton