ESTCA 2025 has ended

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Bel Air Direct is a proud to sponsor the 2025 ATA Conventions
GOOSECHASE - Digital Scavenger Hunt
Please join us on Goosechase our digital scavenger hunt to win prizes! it will open Feb. 12th
Here is how to win and have fun:
1) Download Goosechase App on your apps store or google play
2) Find the mission ESTCA 2025 and Join the experience code -  6F65VN
3) Use password Estca and you are in
4) Start missions!
Thursday and Friday Morning Selections (0730am - 11:00 am)
Muffins | V $4
Croissant | V $5
Cinnamon brioche bun | V $4
Double baked almond croissant + contains nuts| V $6 
Slice of banana bread | V $4.00
Fruit to go cups | VN + GF $4.00
Thursday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - Ukrainian bowl | 3 pcs cabbage rolls | 5 pcs perogies | 3 oz kielbasa | sour cream | green onions|  $15
Friday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - BBQ beef pieces | potato tots | seasonal vegetables | red wine sauce | GF $15
Thursday and Friday Beverage Selection:
Bottled water $4.25
Soft drinks $4.50
Canned juices $3.50
Coffee or tea (12oz) $3.00

Venue: Salon 15/16 clear filter
Thursday, February 13

10:30am MST

Hands-on Minds On - The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Dive into an Alberta-based STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) initiative in partnership with Lethbridge Polytechnic that enriches K-12 education with practical trades experience. The session features an interactive opportunity for you to be in your students’ shoes to explore and engage with our free digital and hands-on resources. We'll start with a brief overview of the project and its connections to the mathematics and science curricula and industry. You will then spend the majority of the session interacting with the activities and resources that can be immediately implemented into your practice. We will seek your feedback on classroom application and potential resources. You’ll leave better equipped to answer the question of “Why do I need to learn this?” by connecting mathematics and science concepts to students’ everyday lives. 
avatar for Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Lethbridge Polytechnic
Kiri Stolz is a passionate advocate for the intersection of trades and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects in K-12 education. She plays pivotal roles in developing and implementing an innovative STEM initiative in collaboration with Lethbridge Polytechnic... Read More →
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Salon 15/16

11:45am MST

Playwriting for the LA and Drama Classrooms
Thursday February 13, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
What is a play? What goes into the writing of a play? What can I learn through writing a play? This session breaks down the skills of playwrighting into some small digestible exercises. We all have stories to tell, and this program will show teachers how they can encourage their students to write through the lens of a playwright. Perfect for your LA, Drama, Social Studies and CALM classroom and adaptable to all grade levels!
avatar for Workshop West Playwrights' Theatre

Workshop West Playwrights' Theatre

Youth Education and Outreach Coordinator, Workshop West Playwrights' Theatre
Will email in
Thursday February 13, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
Salon 15/16

1:00pm MST

Journaling Adventures: Transforming your Classroom with Nature
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Explore how nature journaling can boost mental health and deepen students' environmental responsibility. This session introduces hands-on activities aligned with your curriculum, helping students connect their learning with nature. Walk away with practical tools to enrich your classroom practice and inspire a meaningful relationship with the land.
avatar for Samantha Ur

Samantha Ur

Membership Director and Teacher, Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Education Council
Samantha Ur grew up just north of Edmonton, where her lifelong love for the outdoors began. With nearly a decade of teaching experience, she specializes in science and outdoor education for middle school students. Samantha is also an executive on the Global, Environmental, and Outdoor... Read More →
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Salon 15/16

2:15pm MST

Introduction to Neurographic Art ($10.00 fee at door)
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm MST
Neurographic Art is relaxation through art.  Simply put it is an art form where a person works with their subconscious mind to release their negative emotions onto paper and transform it into something aesthetic. No previous artistic skill is needed to produce artwork that looks good and gives a sense of accomplishment.  Participants will leave the session with less stress and a beautiful piece of artwork. 
avatar for Rachelle Campeau

Rachelle Campeau

William E Hay High Composite
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm MST
Salon 15/16
Friday, February 14

10:30am MST

Parlons-en! Compétences conversationnelles pour l'apprentissage
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
La conversation est un élément important du processus d’apprentissage. Cependant, il peut être frustrant pour l’enseignant comme pour les élèves de constater que ces derniers sont réticents à participer aux discussions ou que les conversations en petits groupes dérapent. En participant à cet atelier interactif, vous découvrirez des stratégies qui renforcent et développent les aptitudes à la conversation des élèves (et leur apprentissage) dans n’importe quelle matière! Nous explorerons des stratégies permettant de créer un environnement sûr, favorable aux discussions productives et à l’acquisition de compétences conversationnelles selon l’âge ou le niveau des élèves (sans oublier les élèves qui apprennent l’anglais comme langue additionnelle). Des activités où les élèves engagent des conversations centrées sur l’apprentissage seront également présentées.  

Dorice Dechamplain

Association Instructor, Alberta Teachers' Association
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Salon 15/16
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