ESTCA 2025 has ended

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Continue to share what you’re learning from our sessions.
Bel Air Direct is a proud to sponsor the 2025 ATA Conventions
GOOSECHASE - Digital Scavenger Hunt
Please join us on Goosechase our digital scavenger hunt to win prizes! it will open Feb. 12th
Here is how to win and have fun:
1) Download Goosechase App on your apps store or google play
2) Find the mission ESTCA 2025 and Join the experience code -  6F65VN
3) Use password Estca and you are in
4) Start missions!
Thursday and Friday Morning Selections (0730am - 11:00 am)
Muffins | V $4
Croissant | V $5
Cinnamon brioche bun | V $4
Double baked almond croissant + contains nuts| V $6 
Slice of banana bread | V $4.00
Fruit to go cups | VN + GF $4.00
Thursday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - Ukrainian bowl | 3 pcs cabbage rolls | 5 pcs perogies | 3 oz kielbasa | sour cream | green onions|  $15
Friday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - BBQ beef pieces | potato tots | seasonal vegetables | red wine sauce | GF $15
Thursday and Friday Beverage Selection:
Bottled water $4.25
Soft drinks $4.50
Canned juices $3.50
Coffee or tea (12oz) $3.00

Venue: HALL B - Collaboration Table 1 clear filter
Thursday, February 13

10:30am MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - Creating a community for students of online graduate courses in Education
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST

Faclilitator: Ava Solez

Description: This collaboration table is aimed at secondary level teachers who are completing their graduate work online. The goal is to meet others who are working on their own and provide an opportunity to meet and share with others.

Some guiding questions include:
To what extent do you feel a member of an academic community in your program?
What challenges or opportunities have you experienced as a student of online graduate courses and a working teacher?
What do you wish you could tell yourself if you were just starting your program?

Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1

11:45am MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - Sustainability: Home, School & Community
Thursday February 13, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
Facilitator: Robin Smith-Mandel
Space: Collaboration Session - Table 1 Thursday, Feb 15th, 11:45-12:45
Sustainability: Home, School & Community

Guiding Questions:

In our ultra connected world, how do we disconnect to reconnect with nature?

How do we go about practicing the principles of permaculture at home, school & in our community?

How do we nurture our connection with the earth in a celebratory, optimistic way to overcome adversity?
Thursday February 13, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1

1:00pm MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - ACTS – Aspiring Change Through Service
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Facilitator: Karen Harder 
Space: Collaboration Session - Table 1 Thursday, 1:00-2:00

ACTS – Aspiring Change Through Service
We run a locally developed ACTS program in our school to help give students tools and opportunities to serve their communities in a variety of ways. I would love to share what we do to build citizenship, in our school, community and beyond, and would also love to hear of how other schools are doing the same in their students and staff. This could be a way to build contacts as well as awareness of similar programs in other areas.

Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1

2:15pm MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - Grade 1 Writing Discussion
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 2:45pm MST
Facilitator: Tracy Innes
Space: Collaboration Session - Table 1 Thursday, 2:15-3:15
I am looking for grade 1 teachers to share ideas that they have or are using for grade 1 writing. What is working, where do we start, problems or issues that we are having and what skills grade 1 writers should have by the end of grade 1.

Thursday February 13, 2025 2:15pm - 2:45pm MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1
Friday, February 14

10:30am MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - Teaching, Principaling, and doing a Doctoral Degree!
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Facilitator: Laurie Thompson
Space: Collaboration Session - Table 1 Friday, 1:00-2:00 
Advantages including advanced positions, enhanced expertise, and opportunities for research and publication.
Tips about...juggling responsibilities, time management, and maintaining work/life balance. Self-exploring dedication, discipline, and creating a supportive environment.
Considerations: assessing long term goals, financial implications, funding.
The decision: is deeply personal and requires careful evaluation of the benefits, challenges, and alignment with personal aspirations.

Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1

11:45am MST

HALL B: Collaboration Session - Table 1 - Teaching High School PE
Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
Facilitator: Christopher Eliason and Samantha Mayer 
Space: Collaboration Session - Table 1 Friday, Feb 14th, 11:45-12:45
Discussion: This session is designed to facilitate discussion about teaching high school PE. Do you have a favourite warm-up game or instant activity? Do you have a favourite unit you like? Or maybe you have some TGFU alternatives for teaching traditional sports? Come and collaborate with other high school teachers about how you approach teaching PE. Please come prepared with some favourite games and activities.

Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
HALL B - Collaboration Table 1