ESTCA 2025 has ended

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Bel Air Direct is a proud to sponsor the 2025 ATA Conventions
GOOSECHASE - Digital Scavenger Hunt
Please join us on Goosechase our digital scavenger hunt to win prizes! it will open Feb. 12th
Here is how to win and have fun:
1) Download Goosechase App on your apps store or google play
2) Find the mission ESTCA 2025 and Join the experience code -  6F65VN
3) Use password Estca and you are in
4) Start missions!
Thursday and Friday Morning Selections (0730am - 11:00 am)
Muffins | V $4
Croissant | V $5
Cinnamon brioche bun | V $4
Double baked almond croissant + contains nuts| V $6 
Slice of banana bread | V $4.00
Fruit to go cups | VN + GF $4.00
Thursday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - Ukrainian bowl | 3 pcs cabbage rolls | 5 pcs perogies | 3 oz kielbasa | sour cream | green onions|  $15
Friday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - BBQ beef pieces | potato tots | seasonal vegetables | red wine sauce | GF $15
Thursday and Friday Beverage Selection:
Bottled water $4.25
Soft drinks $4.50
Canned juices $3.50
Coffee or tea (12oz) $3.00

Venue: Salon 09 clear filter
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Friday, February 14

10:30am MST

ATA Science Council presents Oreo Cookies and the Scientific Method
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Please bring your own device in order to participate fully; this is a very hands on session! With the advent of a new science curriculum, there is a new organization and format to the science curriculum. One of the new Organizing Ideas is the Scientific Method. I will show you how to offer an engaging 2 week unit. Can you let go of sage on the stage and help guide your students through an investigation? Let me show you how with this highly engaging investigation. We will then explore ways that scientific inquiry can be incorporated into other organizing ideas for various grade levels.
avatar for Michelle Savoie

Michelle Savoie

Secretary (6-9 science teacher), Pembina Hills
Michelle Savoie is a passionate science teacher of grade 6-9 students at Eleanor Hall School in Clyde for the last 17 years. She lives in Edmonton with her husband and son. When not spending time with her family, she enjoys advocating for our colleagues as the local president for... Read More →
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Salon 09

11:45am MST

What's love got to do with it? Books, brains, hearts and spirits
Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
In this dynamic session, Monique will begin with an overview on how stress & trauma may be impacting us and those we work with; including what happens in our bodies when high levels of stress and/or trauma are experienced. We will explore the integral role books have in fostering love and joy and the impact of those emotions in our ability to be resilient. 

avatar for Monique Gray Smith

Monique Gray Smith

Monique’s speaking engagements revolve around hope, resilience, education and wellness. Woven into all of Monique’s speaking engagements are readings from her books and the teaching that Love is medicine.Monique is a dynamic speaker who has the unique ability to connect audiences... Read More →
Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
Salon 09
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