ESTCA 2025 has ended

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Bel Air Direct is a proud to sponsor the 2025 ATA Conventions
GOOSECHASE - Digital Scavenger Hunt
Please join us on Goosechase our digital scavenger hunt to win prizes! it will open Feb. 12th
Here is how to win and have fun:
1) Download Goosechase App on your apps store or google play
2) Find the mission ESTCA 2025 and Join the experience code -  6F65VN
3) Use password Estca and you are in
4) Start missions!
Thursday and Friday Morning Selections (0730am - 11:00 am)
Muffins | V $4
Croissant | V $5
Cinnamon brioche bun | V $4
Double baked almond croissant + contains nuts| V $6 
Slice of banana bread | V $4.00
Fruit to go cups | VN + GF $4.00
Thursday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - Ukrainian bowl | 3 pcs cabbage rolls | 5 pcs perogies | 3 oz kielbasa | sour cream | green onions|  $15
Friday Lunch Selections (11:00 - 3:00 pm)
Whole fruit | VN + GF $2.25
Gluten free granola bar | GF + V $4
Assorted cookies | V $3
Old fashioned ham, tuna, & egg salad sandwich $6
Bistro sandwich: olive oil panino | artichoke tapenade | tomato |Italian bocconcini | V $10
Chef’s soup of the day with golden potato bun $6.00
Pizza (Hawaiian, pepperoni, & cheese) $6/slice
Grab and Go Box - BBQ beef pieces | potato tots | seasonal vegetables | red wine sauce | GF $15
Thursday and Friday Beverage Selection:
Bottled water $4.25
Soft drinks $4.50
Canned juices $3.50
Coffee or tea (12oz) $3.00

Venue: Salon 01 clear filter
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Friday, February 14

10:30am MST

Pick up the Phone
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Why calling home is so important. Tips and tricks to deal with difficult parents. Strategies to use that will reduce anxiety around calling home and simple solutions to ensure a successful call home.
avatar for Dr. Kate Syson

Dr. Kate Syson

Principal, Stettler Elem. School
Dr. Kate Syson has 17 years of experience in public education and one year as a counsellor running her own counselling business. She has eight years of administrative experience in K-12 school settings. Kate is a recent graduate from the Doctoral program at Portland University, completing... Read More →
avatar for Joe Thibeau

Joe Thibeau

Vice Principal, Stettler Elementary School
Joe is a vice principal at SES. He has been teaching since 2007, and lives in Alix with his wife, Nicole, and four daughters who keep him very busy.
Friday February 14, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Salon 01

11:45am MST

Food for Thought Unlocking the Link Between Your Nutrition and Mental Wellbeing
Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST

Does stress influence food choices or do food choices influence stress? Both! Join an AHS Registered Dietitian to learn about the connection between your food, brain, and body. This 1-hour workshop will translate the latest science in nutrition and mental wellbeing into practical nutrition strategies tailored for busy teachers. Participants will leave equipped with tangible steps to support their own wellbeing through food, and in turn, the wellbeing of their students. 
avatar for Jessica Dugan

Jessica Dugan

Registered Dietitian, Alberta Health Services
Jessica Dugan is a Public Health Dietitian in Central Zone. In this role she engages with local, regional, and provincial partners to improve nutrition through consultation, education, evaluation, and collaboration. 
avatar for Hannah Bazin

Hannah Bazin

Dietetic Intern, Alberta Health Services
Hi, my name is Hannah- I am a dietetic intern from the University of Alberta, currently working in community and population health with AHS in the central zone!
avatar for Jacob Manavalan

Jacob Manavalan

Hi, I'm Jacob, a dietetic intern currently completing my community placement with Alberta Health Services (AHS) in the Central Zone. I have a deep passion for addressing food insecurity and exploring the various aspects of health that intersect with it. I'm particularly interested... Read More →
avatar for Alexandra Thomson

Alexandra Thomson

Dietetic Intern, Alberta Health Services
Alexandra Thomson is a dietetic intern from the University of Alberta, currently working in population and public health in Central Zone.
Friday February 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:45pm MST
Salon 01
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